Cest Cheese Earrings


Cest Cheese Earrings

Cest Cheese Earrings

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Before wandering to and fro-mage across the continent in search of tasty cheese prepare to charm each farmer and fashion-lover along the way by packing these adorable earrings! Created by Hannah Makes Things a Manchester-based brand with a taste for whimsy and kitsch when it comes to whipping up delightful jewelry these Swiss-inspired earrings feature petite pale yellow wedges that are ripe with tiny holes. Style them with a pleated pesto-green frock classic brie-colored cardigan and rind-red peep toe flats then toss some snacks and your toy camera in a printed tote and look sharp with a satisfied smile in all of your travel snapshots!

– Seeking Thrift Shopper Earrings

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